Change is Exciting! A Coloring Book for Welcoming Change
Change is Exciting!….does the title of this book feel true for you? Does change excite you? Do you welcome change with open arms? If so, you probably don’t need this book. But if you are like me and have had a very different reaction to change (like fear, frustration, avoidance, anger, sadness, and so on), then this coloring book is for you.
As they say, change is a constant force in the universe. We may not get to choose when change happens in our lives, but we do have a choice in how we respond. As humans we learn and grow from this change, and it is our choices that determine if we see change as positive or negative. Even the so-called “worst” changes we experience throughout life have a silver lining and a purpose greater than we realize at the time. Change is ultimately what you believe it to be.
This coloring book contains 37 zentangle-inspired, unique affirmations to promote a more change-positive lifestyle and mentality. Retrain your brain to become excited about change, and not fearful of, or uncomfortable about, it. Humans are naturally adaptable. The fear of change has become a conditioned response over time, a sort of survival mechanism, because change often brings about experiences our human ego would rather not have. Fearing change is just a mental program, or a belief we took on that shapes how we interact with the reality around us, that can hold us back from all the good things life has to offer.
Change happens, and will continue to happen, so how do you want to continue feeling about it? Positive thinking often brings about more positive results. The more we accept change, the less change can affect our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions in a negative manner. Use this coloring book and the affirmations within to change your life for the better.
How do you begin to believe something new?
The affirmations in this coloring book are designed to work with your mind, instead of fighting against it, to change your patterns/beliefs/mentality in order to promote a positive shift in overall habit of character.
Do you fear change? Is change stressful for you? Is change at least a bit frustrating? Affirmations assist our conscious and subconscious minds to change our thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and habits. Through repetition, these affirmations begin to plant new seeds of thought that can change our very fabric of reality and, once solidified and nurtured, become fully-fledged belief systems.
Affirmations are a good place to start when changing a belief system, but they don’t work on their own. Often our current belief system is in direct conflict of the new program, or way of thinking, we wish to adopt. We have to get through to our subconscious mind more than our conscious mind to begin overriding existing programming and form a new belief system. Our subconscious mind is our where our true belief system is stored….and we can talk to our subconscious by incorporating all of our senses and taking a well-rounded approach to changing our habits.
So how do you begin to believe something new? By allowing it, first and foremost. We have to put in the effort to change our thoughts. We don’t have to work hard at believing something new, just smarter. Change is a process, especially when dealing with mental programs and belief systems that we’ve had more most of our lives. Remember that change is possible. Believing something new is possible, with dedication, patience, and belief. Tell yourself what you want to change. Show yourself that you are willing to change. Have faith that the changes you are making to your thought processes will bring about your desired results.