Our gallery hosts a great many types of pictures. Pictures can hold activations for those who have yet to be able to see some of things others see. Lee and Liz first began to see the Earth elementals during a Sacred Ascension Journey on the island of Kauai. At first we questioned what we were seeing and if it was real or not, but we knew in our hearts that we were seeing the true nature of reality for the first time and since then our vision has only improved.
This gallery is for all who are awakening to new experiences and truths about the world in which we live or those that are already aware. Awakening is a term used to describe what happens when our consciousness begins to expand and we start to understand that the world around us is not what we once believed. We begin to open up to new possibilities and we expand our belief systems. What we once thought of as the truth of this life we begin to understand was really just a game we were playing and meant to transcend. Our understanding of the world around us begins to change and we learn that it really isn't what it has seemed to be.
Sharing these pictures also gives the viewer the activation or vibration that will help them to learn to be able to do so themselves. Not all of us can see the same things at times but by sharing we are able to pass on the ability or gift to others. If you view these long enough and are able to hold the vibration in which they are able to be seen you too will start to see them on your own. It opens you up to a whole new understanding of the beauty in which we live. One of the keys that we have learned is to keep telling yourself you see it, do not believe your ego when it says otherwise. Believing is seeing.