Author. Artist. Guide
Other Writings by Liz
If everything is energy and the universe responds to your energy, then continuing to “Try” to do things will only bring more “Try”ing experiences. It's like waiting. If we get continue waiting for things to happen, then we will continue to wait for things to happen. If we keep trying to succeed, we are not actually succeeding. In trying we are focusing on the feeling of trying. We bring more experiences, more feelings, that just make us try and try and try some more.
So how do you “Do” instead of try? It sounds easy, and it can be if you understand easy doesn't mean quick. It takes energy to stop trying and to start doing. It takes energy to stop waiting and to start doing. It takes a choice and a conscious decision to move out of that energy of TRY and WAIT and into an energy of making things happen. Like attracts like. Try attracts try. Wait attracts wait. Doing attracts doing (more motivation and willpower). We can each create the energy of attraction that we want in life and we can choose to change our energy in any moment if we're not getting what we want in life. We can create our own vortex of energy that pulls to us what we want instead of what we don't want. I know I need to practice this myself. My default setting is to try to do things, to try to be successful, to try to fulfill my life purpose. This is a reminder for me to change my habits. I want different and in order to get different something different has to happen! It's an interesting word game if you think about it. And yes I just watched another video on the Law of Attraction....which explains this post/reminder! I am grateful for a full time job. I am getting into a rhythm and it's getting easier. I am having more free time and time to finish my next coloring book and work on my next book. I have decided to take care of my physical body first though in the morning. I started exercising yesterday. This is a choice I am making to feel better about myself and my life in general. Next will come my creative passions and hobbies and pretty soon my paid employment will be important but third on the list of priorities as I learn to balance all aspects of my life. It's a process, a journey, and if you're reading this and struggling with your own life and balancing it, take it one moment at a choice, one decision at a time. You will get to where you want to go. Have patience and love for yourself. Remember to attract what you want and not what you don't want. What are you really saying about yourself and your life? Pay attention to the words you use. These will tell you what your underlying beliefs and overall energy are. And don't get trapped thinking you can't change your beliefs because you can. Just take the next step, make a new choice, and decide if you want to be the same/get the same or do something different to get something different. In gratitude, Elizabeth p.s. I am also getting better at forgiveness but some days are harder than others. I've learned not to give myself a hard time. If my ego wants to rant and rage I let it for a moment to get that energy out. Once the dam breaks the world shifts and everything gets easier again. I don't see this as giving in or doing something wrong. I just break the energy myself or let it break itself so I can rebuild it the way I want to. Hope this assists someone. Namaste.
So I have a solid 45 hours a week with paid work for someone else. On top of that I have side projects and creative projects for money and overall fulfillment too. I've been going going going that I completely forgot the most important Self. I have not been putting myself first lately. I'm not talking about being selfish and screwing everybody else...I am talking about loving my body, mind, and soul and taking care of it properly.
I have decades of life left and what am I going to show for it? That I paid my bills on time by sacrificing my own needs? That I spent years of my life staring at a computer screen in a small room instead of enjoying the nature/sun outside? That I ate crap food because I didn't have time to cook a healthy meal for myself? That I spend the best years of my life not doing what I love? I forgot what life means. I forgot the purpose of life. I am very grateful for my body, mind, and soul carrying me through this learning experience. I am very grateful that I can make a new choice and go in a new direction in any moment. I am very grateful that I have the resources to improve my life and all I need to do is take a step in a new direction where I can have it, love, life, money, happiness. I am learning balance and I am grateful my universe is patient with me as I grow and evolve. Thank you to those who support me and to those who remind me to take it easy. I love you all. Remember to take care of yourself too along your own journey. What it means to take care of ourselves means something different to each and every one of us. We each have to find our own truth and figure out what is best for us. Remember to think about each aspect of yourself: body, mind, soul/heart, and figure out if you're neglecting taking care of one or the other. Life is a balancing act and we are all pretty agile if we just realize we are. In gratitude, Elizabeth Everyone knows to “be careful what you wish for”..... well long story short I now have about 60 hours a week in paid work commitments. I applied for like every work-from-home kind of independent contractor work that sounded interesting and I pretty much got them all. They're all part time on their own but adding it all up I'm gonna be working all day every day. I am grateful for this many hours at a decent wage. I can stay home and take care of the furkids, and work my own hours. I will have to figure out some better time-management approaches but overall I'll be okay. Plus these jobs are not permanent. They are usually a couple month commitment and then you may or may not be invited back. So going with the flow here!
I am very grateful for friends and family, for love and for support. I am thankful for a place to do my work and the ability to provide for my self and my family. I am grateful for change and I am grateful for signs. Everything works out in the end. I had to go through the sorrow and the loss and the worry of not having things work out to really appreciate it when they do. I am also very thankful for the universe sending me a message from my advisor for my master's degree...she's still patiently waiting for my thesis project. Getting back to that too as I have had the feeling to finish it after putting if off for many months. Even though I am set to work a lot of hours, I am enjoying what I do and I get to be home to do it. I can focus on me and that is what I need most right now. Very thankful for everything and love and life! In gratitude, Elizabeth p.s. Also sending love to the person that has been bothering me the most lately has helped quell the negative feelings surrounding this person and our situation. They are off living their life in bliss and I'm over here making myself suffer. No more! I can choose to be happy and I can forgive and move on. It is true what they say... anger is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die, or holding onto a hot coal expecting the other person to get just isn't worth it. Letting it go as best I can. It takes a break (down) of sorts to put everything in perspective. Feeling overdone and just done with everything is in itself a gift. In stopping and not able to work at all, I spent the time learning, breathing, and contemplating. I watched a few videos on abundance and expressing gratitude. I read a little more about how the mind works. And I came across a two new gratitude exercisess to try: The 10-3-5 practice and the 21 day gratitude challenge.
The 10-3-5 gratitude practice: At the beginning of each day do these three things: 1. List 10 things you are thankful for 2. Send love to 3 people you have issues with 3. Spend 5 minutes in silence The 21 day gratitude challenge: Every day list 3 NEW things you are grateful for and continue this for 21 days. This makes quite the list. Having to come up with new things to be grateful for can be challenging at first but it helps expand your mind. As for stopping to figure out life....stopping doesn't mean failure. Feeling burnt out doesn't mean failure. There is clarity in the breaks of life. I danced out my frustrations and I learned something new in a few days of total nothingness. My new job had some issues getting the login information out so I didnt start when I thought I was. This was a gift so I could take a break and get other stuff done before jumping back into work. I am grateful for this break and I've been more productive now that my head is clear and I have a new sense of direction. Take care of yourselves and don't give yourself a hard time if you need to stop and have some fun. Just breathe for breath is the most precious gift there is. In gratitude, Elizabeth |
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