Author. Artist. Guide
Other Writings by Liz
![]() It's that time again... 2017 is ending and 2018 is beginning, and this means the “New Years Resolution” is fast approaching. No matter which direction you start walking January 1st, set yourself up for success by getting clear on your goals for the year. Reflect on 2017 to see what worked and what didn't work. Resolve to make 2018 your best year yet by getting clear on what you want and what you plan to accomplish in your life. Here are a few questions to get your best year ever started: Reflections 2017 What was your biggest triumph in 2017? What one word or phrase best sums up and describes your 2017 experience? What was the greatest lesson you learned in 2017? What is your biggest piece of unfinished business in 2017? What were the three most significant events of 2017? When did you feel most alive in 2017? What fears surfaced in your life in 2017? What one area do you feel stuck in from 2017 that you would like to improve in the coming year? What else do you need to do or say to be complete with 2017? Resolutions 2018 What would you like to be your biggest triumph in 2018? What advice do you give yourself going into 2018? What would you be most happy about completing in 2018? What are you most looking forward to learning in 2018? If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you attempt in 2018? What would you most like to change about yourself, personally, in 2018? How can you be kinder to yourself in 2018? How will you move through your fears in 2018? What one word / phrase will be your prayer, intention or theme in 2018? Much Love, Elizabeth
![]() Finding Purpose for 2018 Part 1: Ask yourself these questions repeatedly until you have a list of interests in your life. Be honest with yourself and list the first things that naturally come to mind. 1. If I were to die tomorrow, today I would ______. 2. If money weren’t an issue, I would _____. 3. If I weren't afraid, I would ______. Part 2: When you have your list, go back and circle the Top 5 options that stand out to you the most. These are the things you really want to do with your life. These are the things you really want to accomplish. Part 3: Then ask yourself why these are important to you. Why do you want to accomplish these things in your life? Our 'whys' are our motivation for acting on our dreams. If you have a good enough reason why, it will keep you motivated and on track to fulfilling your goals. We all already know our purpose, but we often are too afraid to admit what it is to ourselves. Ask yourself these questions to bring forward the answer of what your soul is yearning for in your life time. This is your life. Your life purpose is unique. Your desires are unique. The sooner you accept that there is a lone wolf quality to every journey in life, the sooner you can get on with accomplishing what you are here to do. Stop focusing on what everybody else is doing. What are YOU going to do with YOUR life? What is calling to you from deep within your own being? What is trying to express itself from deep within your soul? Bonus Question: If I had a magic wand, I would _____. What would you create and why is it important to you? How would you change the world? What burning desire do you have when it comes to seeing change in the world? If you want the world to be a brighter, healthier place then what can you do to make it a little brighter and healthier in your own life? If you want the world to stop fighting, what can you do to inspire people to stop fighting in your own life? Magic wands allow us to express our deepest desires and inner purpose. What instant change do you want to see happen? This will show you what you are here to assist with as this is what is important to you. You are here to make a difference in your own way. So what is trying to emerge from within you as you ask yourself these questions? We are not here to save the world on our own. We are here to live our lives to the best of our abilities and to fulfill our passions while inspiring others to do the same. “Life Purpose” doesn't have to be some impossible, daunting task where we struggle and toil away all our lives. Our life purpose is to enjoy life to the LIVE life to the fullest....and we already know what makes us come alive, we just have to realize what that is and have the courage to act upon it. Make 2018 your best year yet by deciding on a direction and to start walking....and remember that we can change directions in any moment and walk a new path. This is not failure....this is called learning.... this is called growing.... this is the freedom of choice that we all have as human beings. Choose how to live your life in the best way for you, and let others live their lives in the best ways for them. Stay true to yourself and keep walking your own path and living your own purpose. Much Love, Elizabeth ![]() Winter Solstice 2017 with Oracle Cards Protecting Treasure: Goblins: Intention Magic Stream: Ride the Wave: Mountain Magic Prayer: Making a Choice: Education The proverbial nest egg is safe and sound no matter the fluctuations in the world. The Goblin's card brings an opportunity for growth and a signal that you must love yourself. No human is without flaws and you must release resentments and negative self-talk. Let go of the negativity with intention. Own the life you want to lead, and live deliberately, with clarity and detachment. Everything is connected. You are part of the fluid continuity of life so allow the magic to flow through you and carry your dreams into reality with the coming season and year. Everything that you know- all your talents, coupled with your hopes and dreams-- will carry you forward. Sometimes you will come across what appears to be an insurmountable obstacle, like a huge mountain that separates you from your success. You might think that climbing it or chiseling away at it is the answer...but why take such a treacherous, tedious approach? Be like the rivers that flow around mountains naturally. You'll move past your obstacles relatively quickly if you choose the easy way around. This is the time to adapt to your circumstances. If you do decide to climb, remember to take one step at a time, opting for the next right action. Whatever the choice, you must take responsibility for it, and yet you needn't be afraid. You may not have all the answers right now, because the way ahead cannot be known until you've embarked and traveled a few steps. Trust your intuition and guidance from your Highest Self. You are never alone. Wisdom comes from participating in life, not just reading about it. Sometimes like unexpectedly sends you to an unfamiliar school, and you must learn by experience. Now is a time to be teachable, open to changing your preconceived notions. Be a student, and be willing to state the most powerful mantra of all: “I don't know – yet.” Future Gratefuls!
Being grateful for things that haven't happened yet...2018 is going to be the best year ever! 1. I am so grateful for the three new books I have published this year and the three new coloring books I released. I am a successful author and I earn a living sharing my stories and showing people how to live their best lives possible. 2. I am grateful for all the extra space in my new home! My old one-bedroom apartment was amazing and served my needs perfectly, and now I have a two bedroom home to spread out in. My backyard is amazing and lush with plenty of greenery and a vegetable garden. I am grateful for all the natural light in my home, and for a large office to write my books, and for a large kitchen to express my love of cooking and baking for friends and family. 3. I am grateful for my trip to New Orleans in the Spring. The beignets at Cafe du Monde were worth the wait! And their chickory coffee...phenomenal....I was in heaven! I went there every day for coffee and beignets and I even lost weight on this trip from walking the city and from all the fun I had exploring. 4. I am so grateful for new opportunities and experiences to express my true self. I choose to be the best version of myself in every moment, and I am no longer afraid to share who I am with the world. I engage with people in my Facebook groups and pages where fans of my books can see me speak and expand on the knowledge I wrote about. 5. I am so grateful for a loving and supportive partner to share my journey with. He supports my writing career and encourages me to dig deep and share even more of myself. I also love how affectionate and loving he is. We go on adventures together and he makes me laugh all the time. It truly is a joy to be with him and to have him in my life. I was challenged to write 5 things I am grateful for and why, each day for one week. Sharing my lists. What are you grateful for?
Day 7 1. I am grateful for another day of life! The dog didn't want to do a long walk this morning so I went by myself and enjoyed the trees in the park just for me. I get another day to enjoy life. 2. I am grateful for cat snuggles as I'm trying to type up my gratitudes. Baby cat's showing me how to slow down this morning. Also morning biscuit-making (cat kneading) helps blood flow, or so I choose to think. 3. I am grateful for second chances and the unlimited patience of the Universe. I guess every new day is a second chance but I'm talking about second chances in the little things, the little encounters, the little conversations, and the little tasks in the whole scheme of things. 4. I am grateful for warm, fuzzy socks in the cool morning. There are plenty of people who don't have one pair of socks, let alone a selection of different kinds for different occasions in their closet....a closet! Not many people that either. I am very blessed. 5. I am grateful for bandaids when biscuit-making turns to baby cat can get a little intense showing me her love sometimes...and I'm grateful for reminders and cat-nail-clippers...I have something to go do right now I was challenged to write 5 things I am grateful for and why, each day for one week. Sharing my lists. What are you grateful for?
Day 6 1. I am grateful for good music in the morning. Also really grateful for Facebook again as it brings me new things I'd never search for on my own. A friend of mine shared a video of this young kid as a guitar God prodigy...I keep listening to his performance on repeat because it's so amazing. 2. I am grateful for Creativity and Epiphany... they go by many names in the lore of the world but they are Gods to me none the less. I have written 21 poems in two days. I've cried for no reason...just releasing decades of stuck energy. Very grateful for Inspiration and Love. 3. I am grateful for the book "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsh. Apparently the Divine is my theme this morning. I'm not religious and I'd say I was more spiritual but I am starting to reconnect to my God-self in my own way, as Source. I am grateful for the spiritual experiences I am having in my life right now. 4. I am grateful for salt lamps. They are just so cool to stare at. I know they work on an energetic level too but their physical presense is pretty amazing. Also grateful for incense and sage to burn. I love the scents and I love playing with the smoke trails. 5. I am grateful for Me! My ability to pick myself up and keep ability to go in a new direction even if I start by dragging my love of knowledge and always searching for more desire to be better and no longer for anyone else, but just for me and my own journey. I love myself, truly. I was challenged to write 5 things I am grateful for and why, each day for one week. Sharing my lists. What are you grateful for?
Day 5 1. I am grateful for morning sunrises that spring me out of bed and out the door. The sky was a perfect golden red this morning and I just had to be outside in it. Awe moments in the morning are amazing. 2. I am grateful for my car which allows me to go to the store when I need to and to get away when I need to. Not many people have this luxury and I am so appreciative of a car that runs and runs well. 3. I am grateful for YouTube and motivational videos in the morning. I've found a good channel of inspirational and motivational pep talks to get me going in the morning. I don't really need these videos, but sometimes I let them run in the background when I'm doing my work. 4. I am grateful for is is God...another thing I could do without but on a beautiful morning with an awesome sunrise, a cup of coffee just brings the entire scene together. Enjoying life this morning. 5. I am grateful for the many people who invented the various writing instruments I use every day. I like to take notes with pen and paper, especially for my books as I feel more connected to what I'm writing. I also use special fine-tip markers to draw my coloring books and they make it so much easier. I am very grateful for these experiences. I was challenged to write 5 things I am grateful for and why, each day for one week. Sharing my lists. What are you grateful for?
Day 4 1. I am grateful for books that inspire me to change my life. Along the lines of the law of attraction, you can only give what you have and you can only keep what you give. I also learned to give yourself what appears to be missing. My boyfriend isn't the romantic type so I've started writing love letters to myself (literally just started this at 10pm last night and this morning). Will see how this works in my life soon enough 2. I am grateful for inspirations and creativity. I've been trying so hard to write a book, 'trying' being the key word, and yesterday I spent the whole day reading this book I received in the mail. Divine timing and all... now i'm writing a whole different book and going with the flow of this creative inspiration this morning. Surrending is pretty cool after all. 3. I am so grateful for this freakin book! "Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change" by Derek Rydall. We don't need to attract anything as we aren't lacking anything. We are already whole and have everything we need within us from the very beginning. I read this book in a day because it's so fascinating. It feels like I'm plugged into an electrical socket this morning. 4. I am grateful for the memo app on my cell phone. Inspiration came while walking the dog around the park and thankfully I had my cell phone to take notes. I could have repeated everything I was thinking over and over again so I wouldn't forget, but that would have prevented new stuff to flow in, so I am very grateful for being able to take notes on the go. 5. I am so grateful for my blog! My human was like "eh, why do we have to share what we're grateful for today. Just don't post today." And I'm like no, we're gonna post! And here I am buzzing with excitement and creative flow. I'm ready to keep these writing going on my new book now. |
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