Author. Artist. Guide
Other Writings by Liz
Wow, where to start? I wish to share my final thoughts of "Thank You Yesterday and So Long Tomorrow: A Guide for Living in the Now" as an introductory of what I have come to understand about the nature of the human mind and how we can literally change our reality by changing our thoughts about it. We are allowed to change our thoughts, our belief systems, but no one really told us we could do that before. So take a closer look at the thoughts running around in your head and ask yourself if you want to continue believing them or not.
Choices and Changes Yesterday and tomorrow are just words, words with thoughts attached. You can let the past thoughts haunt you in every moment, or you can choose to let them go. Words may have power, but it is us who give them that power. Take the power away from a word, a thought, and it can no longer affect you in the same way again. Give thoughts new meaning by changing the words attached to them. Thoughts can be freeing or they can be your prison, it is your choice. If there is just one thing I hoped you would get out of this book, it would be to question your thoughts. Why do you think the way you do? The answer should surprise you. And that is a good thing. Just notice what you are saying to yourself, and what you say to others. Break down those thoughts, see where they come from, and logically not believe them anymore. Remember that the ego is logical. You also have to convince your ego that you are worthy of love, beauty and happiness. Choose what you want to believe now. Forget that you are a flawed human. Think something new about yourself. Believe in the new. If you think you’ll never get well, then you won’t. If you think you’ll never lose weight, then you won’t. If you think you are fat, then you are fat. Who is telling you that you’re fat? There is no such thing as too fat or too skinny. It is all a perception of the mind, and every mind is different. There is no instantaneous change to living in the now. It needs a little work, work on your end. Choose in every moment what life you wish to live. It is our choices that truly define who we are. Let go of the past. Stop worrying about the future. Trust in your perfection, a perfection you embody in every moment. Trust that happiness exists within you always. You just have to remember. Your feelings are going to drive your reality now. What am I supposed to do today? What do I feel like doing today? Be okay with whatever you are experiencing right now. Everything happens for a reason. You may not know why you do everything you do, or why things happen in your life. Don’t judge what you experience. Be ready. Be open to the new, the change, and the now. Now it is time to be a conscious creator of your own reality. Make it a priority to have fun. Take the pressure off yourself. You are accomplishing things in every moment. Just play with new ideas. You don’t have to believe them right away, or at all in fact. Just leave yourself open to new possibilities, to new truths. What is true for you is all that matters. Truth is subjective after all. Find your truth and live it. Thank you and I love you -Elizabeth Crooks
Liz's BlogWelcome to my blog! I like to assist others on their journey to awakening by sharing what I have come to understand about the nature of the universe. Thank you for your support by reading this blog. We expand our own knowledge, our own truth, by reading and researching many different ideas to find the ones we resonate with and incorporate into our own truth. Find your truth and live it. Archives
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